Seminar @ Walter Brendel Center, Munich Germany
"ADDICTION OF TUMOR-INITIATING CELLS TO ENDOTHELIAL FACTORS". Dr. Julie Gavard Cancer Research Center Nantes-Angers, France Invited by...
Journal Club: Targeting Non-proteolytic Protein Ubiquitination for the Treatment of Diffuse Large B
#Journalclub @Labsoap @cancer_cell @NIH #lymphoma #Ubiquitination #cIAP
Journal Club: Tumor cells can follow distinct evolutionary paths to become resistant to epidermal gr
#‎JournalClub‬ this week @Labsoap @Harvardmed @NatureMedicine ‪#‎EGFR‬ ‪#‎tumor_resistance‬
Journal Club: Antibody against early driver of neurodegeneration cis P-tau blocks brain injury and t
#JournalClub @LabSoap #neurodegeneration #tauopathy in @nature from @harvardmed
Research Highlight: The paracaspase MALT1 cleaves the LUBAC subunit HOIL1 during antigen receptor si
We report that the LUBAC subunit HOIL1 is cleaved by MALT1 following antigen receptor engagement. We further show that the overexpression...
Three years PhD Fellowship
A three year PhD fellowship is available to start in Oct 2016. Students with Master level can apply by sending email and motivation...
Nomination AcademiaNet – Expert Database of Outstanding Female Academics
Journal Club: β-Arrestin drives MAP kinase signalling from clathrin-coated structures after GPCR dis
This week #JournalClub @LabSoap #vonzastrowlab @UCSF @NatureCellBio #arrestin #MAPkinase #GPCR
Keystone Ubiquitin Signaling/NF-kB Signaling- Whistler, BC, Canada
don't miss @nbidere @labsoap talk this afternoon on #LUBAC @KeystoneSymp #KSnfkb #KSubiquitin @WhistlerBlckcmb
Journal Club: Serine/Threonine Kinase MLK4 Determines Mesenchymal Identity in Glioma Stem Cells in a
Role of #MLK4 in #Glioma_Stem_Cells and #NF-KB activation in #Cancer_Cell