Journal Club: AMPK, a Regulator of Metabolism and Autophagy, Is Activated by Lysosomal Damage via a
Lysosomal damage activates AMPK, autophagy, and metabolic and antimicrobial responses Galectin 9 transduces damage signal to ubiquitin...
Journal Club: GRK2 suppresses lymphomagenesis by inhibiting the MALT1 proto-oncoprotein
Antigen receptor–dependent (AgR-dependent) stimulation of the NF-κB transcription factor in lymphocytes is a required event during...
Journal Club: Gliomas Interact with Non-glioma Brain Cells via Extracellular Vesicles
Highlights Distinct types of gliomas interact with different sets of brain cells Glioma cells use extracellular vesicles to achieve the...
Highlight: Julie's presentation at Gordon Research Conference
Autophagy in Stress, Development and Disease Gordon Research Conference Functions of Autophagy Proteins in Lysosome-Dependent and...
Highlight: Nicolas' Lecture at Ubicode
Writing and Editing the Ubiquitin Code Bilbao, Spain 26-27th Feb 2020
Event: Dr Kathryn A Jacobs
Congratulations to Katie for her brilliant defense on the 21st of Feb Jury Committee: Dr Marja Jaattela Dr Servane Tauszig-Delamasure Dr...
Journal Club: The guidance receptor plexin D1 is a mechanosensor in endothelial cells
Shear stress on arteries produced by blood flow is important for vascular development and homeostasis but can also initiate...